Three Hot GIS Trends for Gov in 2011

As the number of uses for geospatial technology continues its ascent, so too will the technologies designed to help users capitalize on the vast amounts of data created. In a recent article in GISCafe, author Susan Smith examines some of these solutions among them are geospatial cloud computing, 3D cities, and mobile technology. I am sure you have seen the Windows 7 commercials where an everyday person is faced with a challenge that cannot be overcome with their current work flow. The solution? “To the Cloud” and magically all their problems go away. In the cloud, consumers can do everything from making their family picture look normal, to talking to grandpa while sending him a video of his grandson opening a Christmas gift. Now if only the cloud could make your life a work that much easier. Well if you work with a GIS system this might just be possible sooner than you think.