DLT Fight for the Cup: Just for Kicks

Think way back to elementary school for a few seconds. What was the best part of the day? That’s easy. Recess. That hour-long break was the best part of any school day. The fresh air, the playground, and the best part of all – kickball. Flash forward to present day now. Kickball is making a comeback in a big way. Here in the DC area in the spring time, the National Mall is filled with kickball games every night. Baseball fields around the area are now kickball fields. In the office here at DLT, employees have been discussing how to get in on the rising popularity of kickball. Do we join a league? Can we start a team?DLT Fight for the Cup: Just for Kicks The solution – DLT Fight for the Cup. Fight for the Cup has existed for a few years as a way for DLT employees to get out and engage in a little friendly competition. In the past we have done paintball, but given the buzz around kickball, we decided to switch it up this year. The results could not have been better. On April 17, 2010, DLT took over a field at the Dulles Sportsplex and battled for nine innings of intense kickball action. Both teams had a great time on the field. Afterwards, a few pitchers of beer were shared by the teams. And the best part of the day, over $200 was raised for charity – the DLT Foundation. It is events like this that make me happy to work at DLT. A good time was had by all and it was for a good cause. Be on the lookout for more great stories about why DLT is a great place to “Work Hard, Play Hard.” ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ - Submitted by Guest Writer: Trevor Reaske, Web Marketing Coordinator at DLT Solutions.