GovDefenders Assemble: A Free Cybersecurity Virtual Event

The GovDefenders Cybersecurity Virtual Event, presented by DLT Solutions, is a free cyber event focused on the public sector. Join us from your desk on Wednesday, April 24 as professionals from leading IT companies, including NetApp, Symantec, ForeScout, Red Hat, Quest Software, now a part of Dell, SolarWinds, and DLT Solutions, as we discuss trends, best practices, and the future of public sector cybersecurity.

GovDefenders Wednesdays | Reduce Your CyberPain: Restrict Data Access to Those with a Need to Know

Over the past few months our “situational awareness” with respect to cybersecurity has been enhanced by events including attacks on the New York Times, Twitter, and Facebook; the release of compelling evidence that much of our “CyberPain” can be traced to foreign, state-sponsored organizations; and the President’s timely Executive Order for Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity. Have we reached a tipping point?