Building the Next Generation of Cyber Defenders

Jim Wiggins is the Executive Director of the Federal IT Security Institute (FITSI). FITSI is a non-profit organization that provides a role-based IT security certification program targeted at the federal workforce. Jim was a keynote speaker at our recent GovDefenders Cybersecurity Virtual Event. His presentation was, “Building the Next Generation of Cyber Defenders" which you can now watch for free.

GovDefenders | An Interview About Cybersecurity Training with the Executive Director of FITSI

Jim Wiggins is the Executive Director of the Federal IT Security Institute and the Wounded Warrior Cyber Combat Academy. He's one of the keynote speakers for this year's GovDefenders free online cybersecurity conference. We've sat down with Jim beforehand to discuss different aspects about cybersecurity training including why budgets for training are decreasing even when spending is increasing, what qualities to look for in a IT security professional, and how training has evolved over the last decade.