
Join our webinar to learn how your organization can go beyond automation with Parasoft's industry-leading, AI-driven functional testing solutions. Learn how to accelerate the creation, execution, and remediation of your complex functional testing world. 

Discover how to:

  • Create AI/ML-accelerated Selenium and API tests.
  • Reduce AI/ML rework associated with brittle Selenium/API test suites caused by application/UI evolution.
  • Optimize the execution of functional test suites to validate changes faster. 
  • Reduce overall testing costs while improving testing productivity and team collaboration.

Why is this important?
To deliver critical government applications, you must, provide reliable and stable user experiences, build in security that withstands malicious attacks, all while delivering on time and on budget. Meeting these critical needs requires thorough and rigorous testing of developing systems. That’s much easier said than done for most government agencies! Software teams are constrained with limited technical resources and often have limited time to test before software is released to production.

It’s no longer enough to simply embrace automation to meet quality goals to ensure on-time and on-budget delivery. Automation is evolving with AI changing the testing space, which helps agencies streamline their modernization efforts.

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