
Join us each month for a Department of the Navy Oracle II Enterprise Software License Agreement (ESLA) and Technology Spotlight LIVE webinar hosted on MS Teams.

This webinar will include a brief introduction to DLT Solutions followed by a spotlight on a different technology available on either the Unlimited License Agreement (ULA) or the Catalog. Please indicate your choices to the right and fill out the form to register (use ctrl + click/command + click to select multiple sessions). All webinars will be from 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EST and include time for Q&A. You will receive a calendar invite for each selection made.

Space is limited to the first 100 attendees! Please feel free to forward this page to your colleagues who may be interested in Oracle and/or this technology briefing.

If you have any questions regarding the technology briefing or the DON Oracle II ESLA, please email us at navyoracleteam@dlt.com.

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