
​Join CrowdStrike and SafeGuard Cyber as they discuss two important topics at the forefront of school issues right now:

Threat Intelligence Briefing on Ransomware for Schools

They start off with an overview of the current e-crime landscape and emerging trends, and then begin to breakdown the tactics, techniques, and procedures that Wizard Spider leverages as they conduct operations across the globe. Focus will be on the TrickBot, Ryuk, and AnchorDNS malware families, providing high-level overviews of their functionality and deployment. A victimology case study will provide a deep-dive into a real world scenario where both the failures and lessons learned will be on display. This talk will conclude with defensive strategies to help mitigate the threat, as well as, an interactive question and answer session.

Digital Risk Protection for Virtual School Environments

As schools rapidly virtualize through platforms like Slack and Microsoft Teams this brings the need for greater visibility to stop malicious links or attachments from spreading, protection for students from compromised accounts posing as trusted individuals, and monitoring for cyberbullying or harassment to ensure the virtual schoolyard is just as safe and productive as the one students have had to leave behind.

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