DLT’s Market Insights organization develops Fundamental Trainings on a wide variety of U.S. public sector topics including laws, policies and key market factors that sales, business development, marketing and the capture space should be aware of.

This training video is designed to introduce you to the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP). It provides insights on the structure, processes and role of the FedRAMP program in the U.S. federal government.

This FedRAMP overview includes:

  • Understanding the history of FedRAMP and how it has evolved
  • Examine real-world examples highlighting the importance of security for the federal government
  • Learn about the authorization process – the players involved and the various stages
  • Explore trends around top vendors and agency cloud consumers
  • Discuss the future of FedRAMP
  • And so much more actionable information!

We recommend as a pre-requisite to this course the Budget Process 101 training, to get the basics of how the federal government works.

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