5 Ways Tech Vendors Can Make It Through State Fiscal Year-End with Their Sanity Intact

If you’re a technology solutions vendor, you’re about to enter a crazy busy time of year. It’s state and local government fiscal year-end season! The days are getting longer, and time is running out to close those year-end sales deals before June 30th.

Work is already a top source of stress for many Americans – you don’t need anymore. So, we’ve compiled some stress management techniques that will help you thrive and survive SLED fiscal year-end 2019!

How to Take Advantage of Federal Fiscal Year-End as a Solutions Provider

An irony of late appropriations – as the federal government experienced for the umpteenth time in fiscal 2018 – is that rather than rush to spend, your federal customers are actually spending at rates below what they’re authorized to spend. That makes it harder to maximize the year-end spending blitz.

It takes some doing, but if you’ve got the fortitude to plow through reports from the Bureau of the Fiscal Services and the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), it’s possible to discern that agencies simply might not have the time and manpower to execute on every program.