Keep Ransomware at Bay with Menlo Security on AWS

The digital landscape evolves fast, and attackers are even faster. New ways to attack systems and organizations appear every day, and traditional methods are starting to fall behind the times.
Highly Evasive Adaptive Threats (HEAT) are the newest step in the digital world for malicious attackers. These attacks are unlike anything security experts have seen before and lead to some of the most devastating breaches ever seen.
In this article, we’ll explain how HEAT attacks impact companies worldwide and how Menlo Security’s Isolation Core can help protect your organization.
Trying To Escape The HEAT
These HEAT attacks bypass traditional detection methods by utilizing web browsers as an attack vector, which can compromise users or deliver malware. They’re difficult to manage and track, while most of the workforce uses web browsers to perform their job functions.
Through these attack vectors, the door is shoved wide open for ransomware and extortionate, which are becoming increasingly common every year. From 2019-2020, ransomware attacks more than doubled, according to *The Washington Post.*
These attacks are not only costly when paying out the ransom. Still, they can lock companies out of their systems, for instance the Costa Rican government being under attack twice in 2022, bringing several government entities to a screeching halt.
Unfortunately, the industry standard of detect-and-remediate doesn’t stop these threats. These attacks are often conducted through social media, SMS messages, shared documents, and more. Typically, these “spearfishing” attacks go after corporate workers to gain access to their devices to access systems, all while evading most corporate cybersecurity.
Who Is Menlo Security?
Menlo Security on AWS offers an all-in-one cloud-native security solution that helps teams take control of their security in the cloud. Their Zero Trust approach aids their users in keeping their teams safe with military-grade technology backed by elite security researchers.
Zero Trust, Across the Board
Regarding security, the current landscape has continuously operated with a ‘hub and spoke’ model. With that model, one organization would centralize information and share it among smaller entities, serving as spokes. Spokes cannot share information with each other, making the hub the central security checkpoint for everything.
However, with the sprawling digital architecture that the modern tech world utilizes, there are often too many spokes and not enough hubs, meaning security starts to fall apart. Paired with HEAT attacks, vulnerabilities are all too common.
This is where a Zero Trust approach comes in. This method means your security begins with no access whatsoever. Regardless of user status, device, or application, it all stops there. Then, establishing user authentication and trusted devices helps to ensure that your users are who they claim to be.
Once those practices are in place, your users can get back to work while your security can run in the background, letting your team stay productive.
Elastic Isolation Core
In order to keep your platform safe with a zero trust method, Menlo Security has created what they call their Elastic Isolation core. This core lies between your users and the rest of your enterprise in the AWS cloud, acting as an individual hub and spoke model all in one.
And why is it elastic? It’s powerful enough to scale up and down as needed without ever dropping in performance. Regardless of the size of your company, they’ll be protected.
Within this core are powerful security tools, such as:
- Secure Web Gateway (SWG) helps by isolating threats before they reach your team. This is a stopgap between your users and the web, filtering out malicious code, web access controls, and other potential attack vectors.
- Email Isolation works similar to an SWG, acting as a filter between your users and potentially malicious code and files within emails. It parses out only what you need and discards the rest within disposable containers in a totally seamless experience.
- Data Loss Prevention is baked into the platform to ensure that your data doesn’t get leaked and gives you insight into your network’s traffic. Because this stays in the cloud, it also extends protection to your remote employees, regardless of where they’re working from.
- Isolation Security Operations Center boosts your existing SOC by prioritizing alerts and patching up holes in your defenses. Menlo Security also provides actionable intelligence for your teams, including zero hour exploits and sites that have been compromised.
Thanks to tools like these, Menlo Security on AWS offers a seamless, simple protection service to help your security teams work smarter, not harder. Your employees can keep working without needing to worry about security issues, letting them focus on production instead.
Keep Your Cloud Safe
Highly Evasive Adaptive Threats (HEAT) are the newest step in the digital world for malicious attackers. These attacks are unlike anything security experts have seen before and lead to some of the most devastating breaches ever seen. Menlo Security offers a zero trust approach to your AWS security, allowing your team to work safely by blocking outside access to your users and systems.
Let our experienced Cloud Assessment Solutions team guide you through the process to uncover your cloud security maturity. Sign up today to schedule your free Cloud Security Assessment.