
​AWS re:Invent is a learning conference hosted by Amazon Web Services for the global cloud computing community. The event will feature keynote announcements, training and certification opportunities, access to more than 2,500 technical sessions, a partner expo, after-hours events, and so much more.​

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Homeland Security Week 2019

We are thrilled to be attending an exciting 14th annual Homeland Security Week 2019 (HSW). This year the event will be taking place in heart of downtown Washington, DC, at the Grand Hyatt Washington. With the rise of national security threats both domestic and foreign, forums like HSW play a vital role in acting as a catalyst that spurs partnerships, discussions and knowledge sharing between law enforcement agencies, industry and academia.

SolarWinds Networking Reception at TechNet Indo-Pacific

You're invited to a SolarWinds Networking Reception at TechNet Indo-Pacific on Tuesday, November 19 from 5:30 - 7:30 pm HST at Fresco Italian Restaurant! The SolarWinds networking event during TechNet is a perfect time to learn how SolarWinds is helping the DoD change the way it manages and monitors its IT infrastructure with unexpected simplicity. It's also a great opportunity to network with your peers and learn how they overcome their IT management and monitoring challenges while enjoying complimentary cocktails and appetizers.​ Space is limited! Rsvp now.

TechNet Indo-Pacific 2019

TechNet Indo-Pacific is the largest event of its kind in the Indo-Pacific Rim. The conference focuses on the regional issues military leaders have identified, including full spectrum cyber operations as adversaries leverage cyberspace to conduct operations below the threshold of conflict. TechNet Indo-Pacific features speakers and discussions about the area’s challenges and how industry and government can collaborate. Exhibitors demonstrate solutions and services that meet the military services' requirements.

USDA Cybersecurity Expo 2019

​The 2019 USDA Cybersecurity Expo will provide its active participants with information and resources on today's vulnerabilities, incidents, security lifecycle, risks and mitigations. It will also identify ways to work together and build a solid security foundation program to meet future challenges and trends in cybersecurity.

The Intersection of Leadership, Transformation, and Security

​Agency personnel must navigate an ocean of vendor solutions, government mandates, and bureaucratic obstacles in their quest to support their agency mission and deliver services to citizens, business users, and warfighters.

To succeed, we must focus not only on the technologies implemented but on how the leaders in our organizations are implementing programs, engaging stakeholders, and empowering teams to drive the outcomes desired.

Reduce the Risk of Improper Payment

​Join DLT and Automation Anywhere in a discussion of how Intelligent Automation is transforming the public sector, with a particular focus on how it can reduce improper payments. Improper payments is a long-standing problem among government organizations throughout the globe. The official definition of improper payment is "payments made by the government to the wrong person, in the wrong amount, or for the wrong reason." For example, Social Security benefit payments to dead people, or overpayments for Medicare claims.

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