What is the AutoCAD Design Feed and How do You Use It?

If you are like most people, the first time you opened your AutoCAD 2015 the first thing you probably did is start closing all of the palettes that popped up on your screen, (like everyone did with AutoCAD 2014 and so on) to get it back to the way old way you are used too. That’s typical human behavior. So I figure it is my job to explain what that palette you closed does. From there you can make the decision whether you think that this is something you feel could be useful in your normal everyday workflow to help communication with your Coworkers, Clients, Consultants or Contractors.

Our 10 Most Popular CAD Blogs of 2014

Here we are again, another New Year, another opportunity to look back and plan ahead!

We’ve published over 100 articles this year, featuring insights, tips, best practices and commentary on all aspects of public sector digital design. A big thank you goes out to our stable of guest bloggers and partners, including Line//Shape//Space, Synergis Engineering Design Systems, CADD Microsystems and CADSoft Consulting.

Slash AutoCAD Design Time by Nearly 50%

With all the 3D products available today, you might think that Autodesk is not investing in AutoCAD any more and that just isn’t true.  AutoCAD is the flagship product that has more users than any other because of its speed and recognizable interface. Today, with Desktop Subscription allowing purchasers to scale up or down their software needs easily, it is a great first step.

Very Nice Cursor Improvements in AutoCAD 2015

Autodesk has made some enhancements to the Cursor in AutoCAD 2015. A minor improvement was the crosshair lines that used to run through the pick box have been removed to make it easier to view what you are selecting. You can still use the PICKBOX system variable or the OPTIONS Dialog on the SELECTION tab to change the size of the pick box and the length of the crosshairs in the Display tab (or the CURSORSIZE system variable) to your personal preference.


AutoCAD New Short Cut Guide – Everything You Need to Know to Have a Steady Workflow

For many of us, productivity is always an issue, as well as the time it takes to perform each individual task. If you can save a few seconds here and a few seconds there, before you know it, you will have increased your productivity without the need for big changes. With this simple AutoCAD guide to shortcuts, you will soon find yourself flying through your projects and saving time one click at a time.