Summer CAD School - 8 Free Online Training Resources for Govies

The dog days of summer have arrived and what perfect time than to grab 5, 30 or even 60 minutes to brush up on your CAD skills.

Whatever your discipline, staying ahead of the curve is essential, but with tight government budgets training isn’t always that easy to come by.

Good news! We’ve put together a cross-section of upcoming webinars and online training that won’t cost you a dime. Go ahead, register for one today and surprise your boss with new ways of thinking and doing!

1. On-Demand Videos: Lynn Allen Video Library of AutoCAD Tips and Tricks

How to Put Together a BIM Training for Everyone

We all know BIM isn't just for the techy folks. Other stakeholders, like engineers, architects, project managers and facilities managers need to understand BIM concepts too. But these casual users are often under-served by BIM training. After all, these aren't always the people who attend Autodesk University and other technology training events which tend to focus on the people who actually use BIM software like Revit.

Top 7 BIM Trends that are Game Changers for the Public Sector

Building Information Modeling (BIM) is changing the way both the public and private sector work together to design, communicate, solve problems, and build better projects faster and at less cost. As BIM practices and technologies continue to evolve, what does the future hold?

From mobile-enabled BIM to simplifying the prefabrication of building materials, this new white paper takes a look at the Top 7 BIM Trends that are Game Changers for the Public Sector. We've summarized the highlights below:

Building Lifecycle Trends Workshop - Coming to A City Near You

Buildings today have a lot of data associated with them—from Google earth images to floorplans, photos and automated building systems. The question becomes: How do you apply all this information throughout the building lifecycle to reduce costs and redundancy in the design, build and manage process?

That's the focus of a series of upcoming workshops hosted by IMAGINiT Technologies, DLT Solutions, and Archibus coming to a city near you during the month of March.

7 Free eBooks that Demystify Public Sector IT Trends

Who doesn’t love a freebie! But what about a freebie that can actually help you make better decisions about your technology purchases – whether you’re a CIO, program manager, IT manager or end user.

DLT has assembled a large selection of eBooks that set about to demystify technology concepts – from cloud computing to continuous monitoring, and more. We help you go beyond lofty concepts and get down to the nitty gritty of how your agency can find and make the best of its investments.