Keeping Enterprise IT Systems Secure

Good security doesn’t stop with just an anti-virus client and a perimeter firewall.” Government Security News (GSN) recently published an article written by DLT Engineer, Aaron Payne, about bringing “Security back to the basics: Managing the threat” that addresses the concern that there are many layers necessary to keeping enterprise IT systems secure. As the article mentions, you can have the best hardware or software installed in your systems, but it is difficult to stop someone inside the network from opening a potentially harmful email or accidentally clicking through an unsecure link. This becomes increasingly harder to manage when you are an educational institution that has to be concerned about the activities of students on the network as well. Overall, there isn’t one security solution that solves all the potential problems. So how can an agency or organization achieve some level of comfortable and secure protection? As the GSN article goes on to mention, incorporating compliance policies, reporting tools and also layering endpoint protection are critical. This is similar advice outlined in a few other DLT cybersecurity blogs as well. With the ever-increasing mobile workforce, wireless and shared computing resources, security threats become more sophisticated at penetrating networks and endpoints. As these security concerns evolve, it is important to evolve reporting, education and ultimately the layered approach to keeping your systems protected.