Video: Modernizing Data Protection in the Public Sector

Expert Panel: The Challenges and Opportunities for Modernizing Data Protection
As online data has become ubiquitous, managing that data has become as important an endeavor as amassing and storing it. A host of issues surround data management, not the least of which is security. But many others loom as data increases exponentially both in size and in importance.
It’s a massive topic and too much to cover in one blog, whitepaper or even eBook. So we teamed with Veritas and AFCEA SIGNAL Magazine to frame the problem and explore solutions in a more digestible format – a webinar (although really it’s a TV studio debate format).
Joining SIGNAL Magazine’s Editor in Chief, Bob Ackerman, are Jonathan Alboum, CTO, U.S. Public Sector, Veritas, and DLT’s own Chief Data Scientist, Sherry Bennett.
In a 60-minute discussion, the panel discusses a host of issues around data strategy, management, governance, and security.
You can watch the debate below, but here’s just a sampling of the questions posed to the panel:
• How do you wrap your arms around what data exists in your environment?
• Where and how do you start forming a data strategy?
• How can agencies secure hybrid cloud constructs while meeting privacy and government regulations?
• How does the President’s IT modernization agenda help overcome the challenges of managing these complex environments?
And then in addressing solutions to modernizing data protection:
• How can agencies overcome the problems of sourcing talent to support their data strategy?
• How do you start applying data management solutions where they are needed the most?
• What kind of solutions are likely to have a greater impact, the macro solutions that overarch the entire data management realm, micro-solutionsons that address specific needs and can be put in immediately?
• How will AI best provide a solution to better data management and at what point in data migration should agencies start depending on AI?
• What would you think is the single greatest potential pitfall that organizations could find themselves facing if they don’t pay attention to some of the basic tenets of data protection and data management?
Click here to watch the full in-depth interview.