Keep Your Spirits Up! The DLT Social Committee Boosts Employee Morale During FFYE

To say things get a little “hectic” around here during federal fiscal year-end in September, may be the understatement of the century. Last year for example, almost 20% of DLT’s fiscal year sales were brought in during the month of September alone. Numbers like that don’t come easy. They’re made possible by hard work and long hours. Hours that definitely take their toll on employees. So to help talk our employees off the fiscal year-end ledge, the DLT Social Committee does their best to create a fun work environment and boost employee morale in the busiest month of the year. The DLT Social Committee is our in-house, employee-led committee responsible for planning employee events. In past Septembers, they’ve organized everything from bringing in professional masseuses to setting up a dunk tank in which our senior management team volunteered to get dunked. Last year’s Price is Right theme featured DLT versions of popular Price is Right games that were played in the kitchen – right down to the “help control the pet population” plug. And there’s no such thing as a hungry employee in September. The Social Committee organizes catered lunches to feed starved masses. The term “The DLT 15” has been thrown around more than once. Unfortunately not all September activities are created equal. In September of 2009 during our Ropin’ them Deals campaign, every employee was given a cap gun and sheet of caps to celebrate sales. In theory, it was a good way to allow employees to celebrate together. That was in theory. In reality however, the sound of 220 employees shooting cap guns for 8 hours straight tried the patience of more than a few people around the office. The DLT 20th Anniversary Art Piece.