Next-Gen Crime Fighting Software Links All Your Intelligence Data in One Place

Law enforcement and intelligence agencies deal with large volumes of disparate data on a daily basis. Analyzing all this data across multiple data silos and structures, each with their own levels of security permissions, is a big challenge.
To help federal, state, and local governments overcome these challenges, DLT recently partnered with DataWalk to deliver a commercial analytical tool that handles large data sets at massive scale (millions/billions of records) and easily integrates with existing intelligence software through its open API architecture.
DataWalk provides both analysts and non-technical users with access to more data, more sources, and a way to record and reuse their search history; thereby standardizing the queries to deliver more consistent and focused results. DataWalk provides simple and easy to use visual interfaces that maximize results and minimize training.
This partnership provides governments and law enforcement teams with a powerful system to integrate data and produce fast and interactive visual analytics showing all activities and connections in support of complex and collaborative investigations. Unlike competitive products such as Palantir Gotham, DataWalk is cost-effective, has predictable costs, is highly flexible, and is continually enhanced through frequent updates and innovations, making it an ideal Palantir alternative.
Connecting Large Data Sets for Fast Visual Analysis
What differentiates DataWalk from traditional intelligence environments is its ability to integrate and visualize data about criminal activity using histograms, link charts, maps, and timelines. Unlike other big data platforms, patented DataWalk technology is specifically designed for large-scale, multi-source investigations focused on fraud and organized crime, intelligence, human trafficking, financial crimes, and more.
DataWalk also enables entities to easily be “scored” based on agency priorities and needs – producing a hit list of high-risk targets. Get answers up to 10X faster than traditional approaches, while allowing non-technical users to easily run complex analyses:
• Imagine pushing a few buttons to expose a complicated money-laundering scheme
• Or, identify gang-members involved in a murder, through a few simple searches
• Perhaps, saving the life of a child trafficked on the black market, with a click of the mouse
With DataWalk, users can correlate data, detect trends, view patterns on maps, deliver comprehensive dossiers, run custom reports, easily collaborate, and more – all backed by military-grade security. It’s a COTS software platform that runs on standard commodity servers, ensuring affordable economics.
DataWalk is available on DLT’s SEWP V and CIO-CS contracts, as well as GSA Schedule and state and local contract vehicles.
To help you get to know the DataWalk platform more, check out these resources:
• Product Data Sheet
• Best Practices for Using Data Analysis to Dismantle Criminal Networks
• Best Practices for Fighting Human Trafficking through Analytics
• Managing a Criminal Intelligence Analysis Unit: 10 Best Practices
• Northern Virginia Gang Task Force Selects DataWalk for Multi-Jurisdictional Analytics
For more use cases and demos, check out DataWalk’s resources here or watch the video below: