Top Tips for Choosing the Right IT Solution Provider this Federal Year-End

How to Make the Right IT Buying Decisions this Federal Year-End

Federal fiscal year-end. Busy, busy, busy! Given the plethora of companies competing for their share of fiscal year-end dollars, especially in the crowded IT market place, federal fiscal year-end is always a crazy time for procurement officials. The pressure is on to make the right buying decisions while moving the procurement process along as quickly as possible.

But with this imperative comes another challenge. As agencies struggle to make buying decisions among a “use-it-or-lose-it” mentality, research suggests that a large proportion of year-end spending is wasteful and of a lower quality.

So how can busy procurement officials balance these demands, while ensuring the best use of tax payer dollars and the right result for the agency?

Here are some tips and best practices for choosing the right IT solution provider so that you can maximize your agency’s year-end spend:

1. Don’t just look for contracts, look for contracting expertise – Look for IT solution providers who not only offer a range of contracting options (top GWACs, BPAs, etc.) but also have the knowledge on-staff to educate you on how each contract works and how it can benefit your agency, while making the procurement process as efficient and pain-free as possible

2. Assess the vendor’s proposal management process – Another factor in ensuring a seamless procurement during this busy time is fast, efficient quote and proposal management processes. What’s their quote turnaround time? Do they have a track record to back-up that RFQ pledge? Do they offer live chat and extended hours during September so that you can get the response you need?

 3. Don’t forget regulatory expertise – With contracts come regulations. Procurement officials are under pressure to spend those year-end dollars quickly, but they must also do so while adhering to regulatory guidance and acquisition rules. Can your vendor help you navigate these hurdles with compliance in mind?

4. Product and solution expertise – Because much of the government’s IT is procured through resellers,  it’s important that these vendors have technical experience on-team, not only of the products they’re selling but how those solutions work together and with existing legacy investments in mind.  They should also be able to demonstrate experience and understanding of key technology imperatives, such as cybersecurity, cloud, data center consolidation, and so on.

5. Engineering savvy – Having contracts and the right products on a reseller’s portfolio is great, but federal IT investments are rarely plug and play. Likewise, if your agency is to get more from its hurried year-end investments then you want to make sure user adoption is optimized, for the long-haul. Does your vendor have professional services and engineering staff on-hand to help design, implement and support the technology once it’s procured? Can they ensure the purchase will be implemented on-schedule and according to existing policies? Are those engineers cleared? All important questions to ask.

6. Extended hours - during this time, a reseller who is only open from 9-5 isn't going to cut it. Choosing a reseller with extended hours is key to make sure you get the solutions and products you need before year-end dollars expire.

Check out DLT's federal fiscal year-end resources for more information.