DLT Solutions | Autodesk | Energy Efficient Federal Buildings

Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 We’re all familiar with The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, but did you know that it included more than $80 billion in clean energy investments including $4.5 billion to green federal buildings? Many government entities are incorporating energy and resource-efficient principles into public works and facilities management, generating benefits for building owners as well as the public. The benefits are many, but some of the most important are reductions in carbon footprint which reduce energy consumption as well as create healthy work spaces. On the federal side of the tracks, agencies are beginning to implement green building programs through executive orders, agency initiatives and grass roots efforts.  From easy to launch initiatives like recycling programs to more comprehensive energy audits, it is important to facilitate green building knowledge across the numerous federal agencies.  There are even software tools to lend a hand. Autodesk’s Revit Architecture 2011 has a new feature - Sun Path. Sun Path enables users to simulate the path of the sun in order to better understand the impact of the sun in relation to your project and its surrounding context. You can grab and move the sun in a 3D view and interactively drag the sun around. Depending on your geographic location, you can see the impact of solar shading on your design.  This sustainable design analysis feature helps measure the impact of environmental factors on a building’s performance. This allows designers to quickly evaluate multiple design alternatives for energy efficiency. Whether your agency is retrofitting or redesigning, using Sun Path can result in improved building performance, faster time to the market, and lower project costs as well as lower TCO over time.