Fusion of LiDAR 3D Features with Elevation Data Improves Mapping Applications

Engineers should be thrilled with the new LiDAR 3D technology that is being integrated to improve mapping applications. By fusing LiDAR 3D data with existing geospatial image analysis workflows, users can now create a more complete visual reference of geographical areas.  With traditional geospatial data collection, users weren’t able to manipulate the images in a timely manner resulting in longer wait times to figure out how and why the data could be applied to present and future mapping projects. The Earth Imaging Journal writes that as a result of the fusion of LiDAR 3D features and elevation data with geospatial imagery, users are able to experience the benefits of more powerful and accurate mapping applications.  With LiDAR 3D data, users can identify specific points such as building footprints, trees, power poles, power lines and roadways with exact detail. Users can create various digital surface models, all of which require less on site visitation and data verification saving critical time and resources.  In addition to being able to gather more information about images viewed, they can use this information to produce end products that include accurate building elevation, roof slope and building size information.  In other words, it’s all about effective data fusion; the combining of available data sources to enhance imagery analysis. And for user convenience, the point cloud, which is a collection of data points, is also being used to utilize the LiDAR 3D application with imagery analysis which makes it easier to access the data needed to perform the image extraction process. This fusion adds critical depth to analysis. Of course, any application that can be incorporated into the great and powerful cloud is going to be hailed as forward thinking in the technology world. You can read more about this information in the Earth Imaging Journal. Learn more about the about what LiDAR is and how it can benefit your agency – Download this free LiDAR for Dummies e-book. Related Articles