Route 22/322 Lewistown Narrows Project

The Route 22/322 Lewistown Narrows Project was PennDOT’s second largest construction project and most complex project ever undertaken. Once considered one of the most dangerous roads in the United States, the Narrows Project consisted of expanding a two-lane roadway into a modern four-lane limited access expressway. This 10 mile, $142 million project represents an example of award-winning innovation and ingenuity having overcome numerous challenges to finish a year ahead of schedule. Here are a few facts and figures of how PennDOT not only overcame challenges but surpassed expectations. Longest MSE Wall in the US Because of the narrow corridor and unstable rock conditions, a mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) wall was built – the longest in the United States and second longest in the world. The wall is 2.5 miles long with a maximum height of 30 feet, and comprises 41,000 reinforcing steel strips.   Slippery Slope To ensure that the roads built into Shade Mountain were secure, 40,000 linear feet of core borings were completed, along with seismic and ground penetrating investigations. The stability system included 15,000 linear feet of retaining walls, reinforced with about 43.5 miles of pipe. The cost to stabilize the slope amounted to 18 percent of the overall project cost. Friend to Nature Several sections of the Narrows were classified as “pristine” areas and therefore could not be affected by construction. Nine river walls were built to retain the roadway and prevent encroachment onto the Pennsylvania Canal and Juniata River. PennDOT also agreed to create a canal park to alleviate any impacts the reconstruction might have caused. The park consists of a new visitor area, canal lift lock system, restored towpath spillway, and a fish and boat access area at the end of the towpath trail.   Award Winner The Lewiston Narrows Project surpassed multiple challenges and was recognized for them with many awards, one of them being the “American Transportation: Large Project – On Time” award. The project began in 2002 and was completed, months ahead of schedule, in December of 2007.   Great Communication About 20,000 vehicles travel along Route 22/322 Lewistown Narrows and at peak times, the road carries more than 50,000 vehicles. With few alternative routes, the Narrows could not be closed down during construction. Traffic was pared down to one lane in each direction. To minimize delays, PennDOT continually kept motorists up to date on the status of the project through its Web site, highway signs, highway advisory radio, local media, and during football media briefings. By Luice Woo, Reporter, [acronym] magazine Originially published in [acronym] magazine, Issue 10