You'll most likely find yourself creating or modifying some number of AutoCAD Civil 3D Styles throughout the course of a project. Although dragging-and-dropping styles between drawings has always been an option, it hasn't been without its shortcomings.
The Import Civil 3D Styles command is a recent addition to AutoCAD Civil 3D that allows you to synchronize and import styles between drawings. With this tool you can quickly identify Civil 3D Styles that have been added, updated, or even deleted from your company's template. In addition to styles, this tools will also let you import the Civil 3D command settings from another drawing. Check out the video to see this tool in action.
For more information about AutoCAD Civil 3D, or to learn how CADD Microsystems can help your team create and manage your own style library, contact our team of experts.
By Donnie Gladfelter, CADD Microsystems
About Donnie Gladfelter
Donnie Gladfelter (aka The CAD Geek) is a highly visible and respected thought leader in the CAD community. He is well-known for his CAD Geek blog (www.thecadgeek.com), as author of the book AutoCAD 2011 and AutoCAD LT 2011: No Experience Required, and is a popular speaker at Autodesk University and other industry events. He has worked with the development team at Autodesk to help shape future versions of AutoCAD, and the company has featured him in numerous video interviews, including their popular “Ask the Expert” series. Donnie also helps empower CAD professionals by providing training and services to companies around the world, and is a former member of the Autodesk User Group International (AUGI) Board of Directors.
This blog was originally published on the CADD Microsystems blog and is reprinted here with kind permission.